| Crystals: Standard microprocessor crystals in both Thru-hole and SMD packages; High stability & wide pullability customized crystals; Tuning fork KHz-range crystals & standard watch crystals; COTS crystals to meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-3098H (QPL crystals).Clock Oscillators: HCMOS/TTL compatible output in 7x5mm SMD, 5x3.2mm SMD, 3.2x2.5mm SMD, 2.5x2.0mm SMD, 14 Pin DIP, and half-size packages; PECL output in 7x5mm SMD, 5x3.2mm SMD and 14 Pin DIP packages; LVDS output in 7x5mm SMD, 5x3.2mm packages; HCSL output in 7x5mm SMD package; Available with wide frequency range, tight stability, low jitter & industrial temperature range.TCXOs: True Sine wave, clipped Sine wave & HCMOS/TTL compatible output; Available in 14 Pin DIL gull-wing SMD, 11.4x9.6mm SMD, 7x5mm SMD, 5x3.2mm SMD, 3.2x2.5mm SMD, 2.5x2.0m SMD & 14 Pin DIP packages; High frequency and tight stability over wide temperature range.OCXOs: Standard low cost AT-cut OCXOs; High stability SC-cut OCXOs; Sine wave or HCMOS/TTL compatible output.VCXOs: Sinewave & HCMOS/TTL compatible output in 7x5mm SMD, 5x3.2mm SMD, 14x9mm SMD, 14 Pin DIP & half-size packages; LV-PECL output in 7x5mm SMD, 14x9mm SMD packages; Available with tight stability, wide pullability & wide frequency range.Crystal Filters: Standard low cost MCFs for UHF mobile radio applications & for channel spacing applications; Customized multi-pole crystal filters with 50 Ohms input/output impedance; Available in miniature Thru-hole, formed lead SMD & 7x5 mm SMD packages.SAW Filters: Standard low cost SAW filters for wide spread radio systems, CATV & for channel spacing applications; Available in miniature Thru-hole & SMD packages.Resonators: Standard low cost ceramic resonators in miniature SMD & Dip packages.DROs: Free running and phase-locked DROs in industry standard packages.
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